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Monday, June 12, 2006


I just got back from a wonderful weekend in Itasca state park, the headwaters of the Mississippi River. It’s beautiful up there, a big lake, woods, nice campground and even the weather was pleasant.
We borrowed a canoe and put it to good use by paddling around the lake. First day down to the beginning of the Mississippi, where we just pulled the canoe up to the little beach and walked around. Had to walk over the rocks crossing the mighty stream. There were a lot of people there and I wasn’t able to jump over as I promised my father I would do.
Paddling back we had to fight the wind and stream, but staying close to shore we didn’t have any big problems. In the afternoon we walked up to the observation tower and I enjoyed the view from the top. Lot’s of green around, with some blue spots of lakes.
The next morning I ran from the campground to the source, a wonderful trail, about 4 miles, on a bike path with a few small hills and hiding in the woods. That was better, nobody around at the source so I could jump all I wanted, but now there was nobody to take my picture! The afternoon we filled by canoeing up to the lodge and enjoying lunch, or for my mainly desert. Blueberry Sunday,mmmmmmm!
In the early evening Deb wanted to walk to the source again and I would follow by car, so she could finally take my picture jumping! When I arrived Deb was sitting on a bench reporting that I just missed a ballet practice around the Mississippi. Oh, there they were again, starting to dance, must have been the local dance school. No pictures for me.
By now it had become and obsession, I was going to get the jumping pictures even if I had to get up really early on our last morning!
And so it happened, please judge for yourself if it was worth it!


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