6 years cancer free, please donate $6 to the Lance Armstrong Foundation!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Fietsen, fietsen, fietsen!

Ja ik train wat af deze dagen. Vanmorgen eerst een half uurtje hardlopen en douchen. Op de fiets naar het werk ongeveer 15km, lekker weertje vandaag.
Op het werk ging alles redelijk soepel, niet al te veel problemen. Nog 1 weekje in de wond poli en dan ga ik weer een tijdje terug naar de revalidatie. Ik ben wel toe aan een kleine verandering lekker spelen met de "lite-gait" een nieuw aparaat om mensen na een hersenbloeding te leren lopen, ik ben benieuwd!
Na het werk was het een warm ritje naar huis maar nog goed te doen.
Even snel een hapje eten en op de fiets naar Floyd's verjaardags feestje in St Paul. Lekker taart en ijs eten en snel voor het donker weer naar huis.
Thuis nog even mijn rekening in Nederland kijken en daar staat weer 1000 euro extra op voor mijn fietstocht. Wow, ik kom nu echt dichtbij mijn doel!
Ik kan met een gerust hart naar bed. Morgen een rustdag.

Monday, July 24, 2006

monday, monday.

Today was the first time in 2 years commuting to work that I was unable to ride back. Just as I finally was ready to go home, after a draining day, late because of it, the code gray was announced overhead.
Not a moment later the rain started and the storm broke loose! I walked into the cardiac rehab center to enjoy the surround view. They could tell that I was stuck and Judy was very nice and offered me a ride home. Thanks Judy.
Deb was not so lucky and got very wet riding home through the rain.
Of course about the time Judy dropped me off the sun was out and the rain stopped. Time for a run for about 40 minutes and 30 minutes spinning to make up for the lost commute ride.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

5 mile swim

Saterday morning and the alarm goes of at 5 am, what is wrong with that picture? Nothing really that is if you have a friend who wants to swim 5 miles across a lake and you volunteered to paddle along in the canoe. To get my miles in I had decided to bring my bike along and ride home afterwards. So my warm-up was a little 5 k ride to Lisa's house at 5.30 am.
After an almost smooth ride out to the Lake, the highway exit we were supposed to take was closed, we were ready to go!
There she is, in between a lot of other women swimmers, it ammazing to see how many people are swimming. First 2 miles in about 50 minutes, way to go. We had to yell to keep Lisa from veering off to the left. A sip of power-aid and a funny remark on the white board kept her going strong. Mile 4 in 1hour and 56 minutes, keep it up! But then she got a little cold and bored, ready to be done. This slowed her down a little , despite our screeming and yelling, are we the only loud paddlers? There is the beach, run Lisa run! She made it, in a great time, 2 hours and about 35 minutes. She's already making plans for next year, I'll need a softer pillow in the canoe, but otherwise I'm game!
Than it was time for me to start working out, back around the lake, down south and back into the cities 46.3 miles when I'm home. Time to eat the left overs from yesterday, mmmmm.
After a shower it's time to try and get rid of the last left overs from the garage sale. Play it Again doesn't want anything except the catchers mask, but the might sponsor my ride, let's see what the accountent says.
Goodwill only wanted the thigh master, so the skies are off to the trash. Let's hope they will pick them up.
Watched the Tour the France, nice ride Floyd! Congratulations.
Now I'm of to bed, because tomorrow at 9 am I've got to be ready for the next training ride.

Friday, July 21, 2006


Today I got to sleep in to 7am because it was the day to ride my car to work. The station wagon was filled with left over stuff from the garage sale. One table to be brought back to the wound clinic, Thanks All for carrying it into the hospital.
A TV and mocrowave to be delivered later to the recycling center.
At work people are talking about the silent e-mail auction that Nia is organizing. The final list with items was out today, there are 26 items on there! Massage, boquet of fresh flowers, pillow cases,beer, wine, vacation in a basket, 4 hours of baby sitting and many other great items and services. The final bids are to be in on August 1st.
The day was steadily busy, filled with MD calls, forms to be filled out and other extras beside patient care.
After work I was off to the recycle center only to find out that recycling a microwave costs $15, good thing I made so much money at the garare sale! :)
We had dinner from a new Thai restaurant, besides that they messed up the springrolls the food was good. While watching the Tour I mapped out my ride on a map from the US to send to Sas so she can hang it in the Hollandsche Tuyn. My dad told me the "Home Team" had a meeting the other night to plan other fundraising activities in the Netherlands. A bikeride is planned on Sept 18th as I am starting my ride her in MInneapolis.
I send a letter to KARE 11 today to ask if they are interested in my story, keep those fingers crossed!
Tomorrow I've got another early start, Lisa is going to swim 5 miles across Lake Minnetonka and I'll be paddling the canoe with her sister. Than I'll ride back with a few extra miles.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Heavy legs

Yesterday I finally made it to the Twin Cities Bike ride with Floyd, the speed skating coach. He's been offering to help me out all summer, but things get in the way. Now it's all about the bike for me, these last weeks before the ride.
My new mantra: I am an endurance athelete! is slowly starting to get into my brain.
The ride itself was hard, trying to keep up with the 5 boys. Including Floyd who was riding circles around me and Steve who was very nice and kept pulling me back into the pack. Thanks Steve.
This morning I woke up wondering why Deb had switched off both of the fans in the room, only to reallize that is was a power outage. Luckily it was only 6 am and I got up and set the timer for the last 5 minutes before I had to get up.
After getting up I looked outside and found the sky filled with dark clouds, T-storms, no commute today.
So I took the opportunity to drop of Blondie at the garage to get the timing beld replaced and oil-change. She also needs to get ready for the Big ride.
Deb was nice and picked me up after work because I was done a little early. Off to Traders Joes for a little shopping, frozen fish, nuts, vegies etc.
Back home it was time to get my work out going with a 30 minute run (stiff legs) and 1h and 35 minutes on my trainer, riding while watching a fantastic day of the Tour. Talk about inspiration!
Good day for Rabobank, go Rasmussen! Michiel Bogaard is also doing well.
Time to get a little sleep.
Weltrusten Sis

Monday, July 17, 2006

Kick in the behind!

This morning I recieved a kick in the behind from my friend and coach V to get serious about training. No more excuses unless I'm realy sick and I'm not planning on that!
Run 2x a week before work, ride to work on my bike 4x a week, plan 2 longer rides after work, 1x a week get on the home trainer and in the weekend 2 longer rides 60-70 miles. I need to get this going so I'll make it to Texas in 1 piece.
Thanks V, see you at the border of Texas.
Bike riding total for today 40 miles.

Sunday, July 16, 2006


How to stay cool on a typical Minnesota summer day, work out on your trainer in front of the air conditioner!
Today was the day to clean up after the garage sale. Goodwill here we come! They don't take TV's or microwaves so what to do next. We'll have to make an other FREE sign.
A few pictures made from the recliner and left over table to see if we can sell them on Craig's list.

Garage sale

What a wonderfull day! The garage sale started on Friday setting up all the merchandise, hanging the clothes, selecting everything in piles of bathroom, kitchen, rugs, crafts, toys, garden and sporting goods. Matt came and helped and brought 2 big tables and a clothing rack that was very useful.
In the evening Deb and I drove around hanging signs, we eventually found out that a hammer is all you need! All poles have plenty of nails in them ready to be re-used and a staple gun doesn't work!
Up early on Saturday to go to the garage and put everything outside. The first customers are early, but they must be looking for the worms! I was able to tip over the full clothing rack without killing anybody but just adding a little more work on this hot day. The ironing board did well at a kids clothing rack and we put up a gazebo to get a little shade for the sales people; Lisa, Kari, Deb and myself.
The garagesale venue came with full service catering, who knew! Kharmen was trying to down talk her efforts but those eggs, pancakes, potatoes and bacon she cooked for us were delicious and came right on time. Between sales we had a lot of fun trying to fit in the ice bucket to cool down and coming up with good fundraiser ideas. If you sell that pink pokadot purse, I'll donate another dollar to the cause!
Everybody was very enthusiastic about my story and a lot of people gave extra money to support my ride.
I think my favorite memory of this day will not be the total amount of money but the realization that there are a lot of good people in this world. A lot of poeple who don't know me but supported me anyway, maybe because the had cancer, know somebody that had cancer or just because they want to support a survivor. I heard a lot of stories about people who didn't live to go and ride their bike and that's one of my motivators. I'm a lucky girl, I'm here to tell my story, I'm here able to raise money for more research so eventually hopefully nobody has to die from cancer, have their life changed by cancer or loose a loved one through cancer. Thanks everybody for making it possible for me to do this!
As the day got hotter the sales slowed down a little, but we were able to sell the lawn mower right before closing. Kharmen surpized us with avocado, corn black bean dip and icecream, you rock Kharmen!
Then Rhonda showed up and decided on a pink house coat, fabulous! Brigit came with a cooler full of sportsdrinks to help us load some electrolites.
Breaking down took about one hour with the help of Lisa, Craig, Brigit, Math, Rhoanda ( rollerblading down the alley) and Kharmen. It is true: many hands make light work, or something like that.
Brigit took all the left over clothing to Salvation army, I'm going to Play it Again Sports to see if they'll give something for the sporting goods left overs. We'll place the computerdesk, table and chairs and recliner on Craigslist to see if they will sell and the rest is going to Goodwill.
I took down the signs on my way home and took a shower, that cold water felt great!
The grand total of the day was $771.00! Not bad for a 97 degree day in the sun.
Thanks everybody for your support!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Garage sale stuff

It's coming closer, more and more stuff.
We did 2 runs around the Twin Cities with a pick-up, driven by Criag, who was voluntered by Lisa for this job.
The garage is filling up with, 2 bikes, a computer desk, a computer, a grill, printer, wine rack and a recliner. I'll have my work cut out for me on Friday getting ready for the sale.
Let's hope we can find people to buy all this stuff!
Fundraiser Garage sale
Saturday, July 15th
2533 33rd Ave S
Minneapolis 55406
Please come and join the Fundraiser!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Part 2 of the Race

Look how proud I am with my medal!
After the race it was time for our after race beer! Always jealous looks from other teams and sherpas! You've got to come prepared as we did. Thanks Deb, Chris and Larry for your wonderful support during our race. It's great to hear people cheer you on and call out your name!
Nancy came also to cheer but was unable to get through because there was only 1 place to cross the race for all the spectators. So she missed my finish again, but there's another tradition! Phineas is becoming a real toddler, what a handsome little man!
After a shower and bike pick-up it was time to find a way back to the car. Nancy to the recsue, we walked to her car, then she took me to my car and we returned to pick up our passengers. Phineas for Nancy and Kharmen, Ali and Deb for me. Time to get on the road, we had on more tradition to follow. The second-annual-post-race-Nike-outletstore-shopping-extravaganza here we go! After about an hour drive there it was the outlet mall. We were welcomed by some island music making man, nice touch.
An hour passes quickly in the store and we all left with a bag full of stuff, over to the 2 Loons cafe for lunch.
Back on the road again for the long ride home. A few bathroom stops, root beer floats, M&M's and sing along CD's later we were home. First stop Ali, who was ready to see her dog again. Second stop Kharmen, the plants need a little water girl.
Home sweet home, 2 cats ready to get out and get a little air.
Thanks everybody for a great weekend.
Next project: garage sale this coming Saturday. I just went around our neighborhood to hang up announcements.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

TEAM Survivor Twin Cities

Go TEAm, what a great day today. The day started very early at 4.40 am, waking up isn't easy. Meeting up with the rest of the team at 5 in the lobby. Then of to the parking area and everybody into the schoolbus to be shuttled to the sportscenter.
Everybody is excited and nervous judging by the last minute changes and bathroom runs. Miss Jaqui arrived in style complete with I-pod and golden fanny pack! I ran off to have her seat fastened as last minute repair. Thanks friendly bike repair guys.
Walking to the swim start area, there are over 150 Survivors in the crowed of over 4000 women starting this tri. It's the second biggest all women Triathlon in the world!
But let's get ready to swim! A few last minute pictures, tears, hugs and words of encouradgement! Then it's of to meet Sally and get our mantra word before the start. I am a fantastic swimmer! There we go, wave number 3 let's go catch the red caps!
For me it was about 100 strokes free-style to switch over to my favorite stroke! Breast stroke all the way! I'm still passing a lot of women and am able to see where I'm going. It's amazing to see all these women swimming to the best of their abilities alone or with a swim angel it doesn't matter. Out the water I go, running into the transition area!
Rinsing of my feet, putting on socks and my bike shoes my shirt with number and of to the bike part. It feels good riding, keeping my heartrate around 158 B/min, keeping up the cadence! Halfway we turn into the wind and the speed comes down a bit but I'm still feeling good. There is the overpass, last turn right to the sportscentre and smile for the photographer, shoulders down! Off the bike and back to my little spot, Kharmen get ready! It sure is nice to have her there to help out.
Running shoes on and cowboy hat on, of to the run. Those first few hundred yards are just like learning to run all over again! But just keep on going, keep my heartrate around 158 B/min. It's great to get all the support from all the women still waiting to get started with their swim. Go TEAM Survivor, go cowgirl! There is the loop, it's psychologically not easy to have to turn and run the other way when you can see the finish line! OK let's get to the finish, speeding up a little and focus on the end.
Run, run, run one more turn, there is the clock, oh I better start sprinting to have a change to finsh faster then last year! I think I just did it! They even announced my name! A very cute little girl hung my medal around my neck, thanks.
Now it's back out there and wait for the rest of the TEAM. There the come, Julie, Jaqui, Ali and Kris all wearing their cowboy-hats proudly!
We just finished watching the soccer final on tape, congrats Italy. My brother will be happy, because he is going on vacation in France today. This will mean a lot less crazy traffic.
I'll finish the race day report tomorrow.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Getting ready to race!

We're ready and set, for the race tomorrow.
This morning it was an early rise after a short night. Kharmen, Ali, Julie and I on our way to the Survivor breakfast. Only the directions on the internet were way off, and so were we! Then Kharmen and I remembered the big industry next to the sports center so we started looking for the smoke and found the center. We came to the breakfast just in time to tell our short bio's and a quik meet up with TEAM Madison. They're looking so good, with official shirts and smiles all the way!
Of to the official part of the day, registration. It was better organazed this year. Much better flow throught the area, they moved the numbering to outside and had a lot of computers to check the chips.
The hunt for free-bees started, lip gloss for Kharmen and Ali, waterbottles for Annemiek and (OK not free) a bag for Julie.
The first time talk given by Sally was a good experince, complete with tears when all the present survivors were asked to come on stage. We recieved a standing ovation, wow a very powerful experience!
Time to re-assemble the bikes and we were ready to rack! Time for lunch!
We picked up Deb at the hotel and met Kris and Jaqui at Chilis, so our TEAM is almost complete. The other Alison we'll meet tomorrow morning.
After an hour of relaxation in the hotel room it was time for pre-race dinner at the Phoenix, good company only since I just ate a late lunch.
A last run by the parking location for tomorrow and the grocery store and I'm ready for bed. Deb just offered me a pre-race backrub, so I'm off!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Thanks Kharmen

This is a wonderful hotel, I'll be ready for the Tri on Sunday after sleeping in this comfy bed.
Using the internet while watching the Tour, what else does a girl want. We just drove from Minneapolis to Kenosha, a not to bad 6 hour trip.
Tomorrow we'll meet up with the rest of the Twin Cities Team, we have 7 women racing on Sunday. I can't wait to get going, cheering and naturally for the after race beer!
I better get some sleep it an early day tomorrow and I've got to grease my chain before we go.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Over $10,000!!!!!

Thanks to a wonderful gift of 500 euro from a friend of Peet's, I've today passed the $10,000!
She turned 50 last week and asked donations for my fundraiser from her friends as a gift for her B-day.

I'm a little sluggish today so decided not to go for that last run before the Tri on Sunday. Just packed my bag and we're ready to leave after work.

More stuff for the garage sale recieved today. I was able to fix the massage table so it's nice and solid again. Any takers?!

The Tour had an other good day, with a little bit of a Dutch success, a Rabobank rider took the stage victory.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

McEwen does it again!

Yet another day good day in de Tour de France. It's great to have cable with good reception!

Being able to ride to work is such a privilage! The weather has been so great so far, cool in the morning and flying home with the breeze in the back. Work was busy but without major drama. This week I seem to be going back and forth in and out of the woundclinic; Sunday out, Monday in, Tuesday out, Today in, Tomorrow out and Friday in. Flexibility is a good thing I guess.
After work it was a quick arm strength work out, I've got keep my bone density up! Then a swim, with good tips from Deb to improve my kick technique.
Back at home it was grill time, a nice steak, corn and mushrooms,mmmmmm lekker.
Almost fixed the massage table, on sale at the garage sale.
Deb is falling a sleep next to me, waiting to correct this posting, I better finish this up!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th of July

Yet an other Holiday worked to get more days of for my Ride and hopefully the Ride for the Roses.
Nice and quiet and with some good teamwork we were able to leave 1 hour early.
After work I drove by Lou to pick up more stuff for the garage sale. Our livingroom is slowly filling up! Now let's see if I can get a good price for everything.
This week is easy on the training because of the Tri this Sunday, so I did a 23 minute run with a long sprint at the end. To practice for this weekends race to the finish.
The Tour de France had a day full of broken collar bones and a finish in the Netherlands.
We just came back from watching the Minneapolis fire works, so it's time to go to bed!
Weltrusten! Sis

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Tour de France

The Tour started yesterday and we got cable! Yes specially for the Tour de France!
It was a good day for the USA with George in the Yellow, I hope Thor will be able to start again tomorrow.
I had to work today because next weekend TEAM Survivor is going to Kenoshia to participate in the Danskin Triathlon. Kharmen and I are getting our 7 member team ready! How exciting is this, our TEAM Twin Cities is growing.
The rest of my time is taken orginazing the July 15th garage sale for my fundraiser. Our living room is slowly changing into a pile of stuff. I see skies, speakers, baskets, clothing and so much more. Keep it coming.
After work today it was time for a final lake swim 16.52 minutes for about 900 yards, I've got to support Lisa in her training for a 5 mile swim! I'd rather ride my bike 1100 mile to Austin than 5 mile swimming. But that's why they say: to each her own. I'm just hired to paddle the canoe, peel bananas (good against cramps) and keep Lisa on track.
Yesterday I went to see Rhonda in the Gay Rodeo. The girl actually rides bulls! She stayed on for 4.7 sec not enough for a score but very impressive. It was a nice day with some great people watching.
Bedankt Else en Femke voor de mooie tekeningen en koe.